U.S. Supreme Court corrupt, President Trump must defend Checks & Balances by Jesha Miller on April 8, 2020
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President Trump, I'm Jesha Miller, empowered by the Constitution checks & balances to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. trumphonorchecksnbalances4integrity.blogspot.com my Petition empowers me to Stop POLICE BRUTALITY, THERE'S PUBLIC PROTEST across the country when this stops Police Brutality, when this is an essential part of the constitution. You inform the public JESHA MILLER youtu.be/EEoGxpvv0 has PETITIONED the CHECKS & BALANCES MANDATORY BY LAW WHICH WILL STOP POLICE BRUTALITY. This is your number one duty so act immediately, this is a world wide protest for HUMANITY. Oppression & Peoples live are at stake when the answer is the checks & balances petitioned by Jesha Miller stops Police Brutality restoring the rights of the people to equality, which holds officials accountable, absolutely necessary, to uphold the integrity of the constitution, THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. That's what essential means / absolutely necessary; extremely important. Immediately meaning at once, immediately.
[ Time sensitive this email be given immediately to President Trump this June 1, 2020 ] Scroll to Humanity on the blog trumphonorchecksnbalances4integrity.blogspot.com
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Dr.
Evansville IN.
812 802 8969
President Trump // Honor the checks & balances Petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller - Mandatory by law
Reference to: I'm a part of the Impeachment which Congress omitted having the fundamentals of violating oath of office, obstruction of justice, denying the checks & balances in both situations & covering for organized crime where the Prosecutors cover for the Judges denying rights which are Crimes pursuant to Title 18.
At this moment I'm Empowered by the checks & balances you must honor being mandatory by law, the magnitude is the Judiciary Branch must be checked to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. First thing first I have a Status Quo socially with a net worth of 3.141 billion dollars ordered to be paid immediately this February 20, 2020. Should the treasury fail to pay in three days the buck stops with the President Donald Trump to order money paid for the Judicial Branch denying the right to due process violating the 14th Amendment & a miscarriage of justice imposing slavery. Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution which the Treasury has refused to pay. I'm owed by the rule of law so all delays violate Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy to deny rights & continued oppression. The reality steps into view, I don't look for pie in the sky, I'm owed 3.141 billion dollars at this very moment which the President must Order paid to stop any further oppression.
To conceal this from the public the Judicial Branch has denied the guaranteed right to freedom of speech - PRESS seen online at thefbiwray.blogspot.com and is part of the Court records affirming the data to be true.
Judicial Branch petitioned by the checks & balances having irrefutable evidence entire Branch corrupt imposing Slavery.
As President, you Donald Trump are obligatory both morally & by law to the Constitutions checks & balances so there are no options because refusal violates your oath of office to preserve, protect, & defend the Constitution. The Magnitude both you and Congress must immediately acknowledge is the checks & balances uphold the integrity of the Constitution absolutely necessary in this case because already omitted me from the impeachment proceedings so the President is not impeached by a citizen hiding that " we the people are empowered to hold officials accountable in violation of the Constitution". [ In addition to refusing to honor the checks & balances there is the charge of obstruction of justice. A high crime requiring Congress impeach immediately under Title 18 241 & 1001 concealing Fact the checks & balances are Petitioned having evidence the entire Judicial Branch imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment, the right to due process in violation of the 14th Amendment, violated the Statutory prohibition under Title 18 sec. 241 which is the exclusion of jurors on account of race, & organized crime online at warningto.blogspot.com having evidence U.S. Attorney's refused to indict the Judges denying the 1st amendment of speech Press to conceal the checks & balances required when an entire Branch is corrupt. This is justified because with the U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt the entire Branch is corrupt. This calls for National Coverage of public concern when the U.S Supreme Court abused it's power imposing slavery, oppression, & organized crime covering for crooked Judges to continue oppression. The right to freedom of the press is one of the safeguards to the Constitution & Democracy. For the people not to be able to speak out about corrupt officials is Communism, the difference in our government being a Democracy, a government of the people, by the people, & for the people. [ The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights. Delayed Rights are rights denied already & in this case Judges deny freedom of the press to conceal abuse of power in their own Judicial Branch. Again see thefbiwray.blogspot.com ]
This is irrefutable evidence that both the Indiana Courts & U.S. Supreme Court refused the demands of the Constitution & its PROHIBITION, & THE 14th AMENDMENT.
Specifically I was held in violation of Constitutional Law # 250.2 ( 4 ) Which provides ; Every Black Man has a right under the 14th amendment to the Constitution, U.S.C.A., that in the selection of jurors to pass on his life, liberty, or property, there shall be no exclusion of his race & no discrimination against them because of their color.
Indiana Senator Vaneta Becker refused to adhere to the law & stated Blacks have no specific jury because of their color so the Indiana Courts refuse to adhere to the law & impose slavery.
Congress fails the Constitution neglecting the Constitution empowering Veteran Jesha Miller
Congressman Larry Bucshon refused to take the checks & balances to the floor of the House concealing Judicial Branch imposed slavery proved to be Fact online at senatorcoatspetitionedtorepresent.blogspot.com - Sen. Coats & Representative Bucshon Petitioned For Checks & Balances.
Senator Todd Young refused to take the checks & balances to the floor of the Senate having documents online going to youtube, search Jesha Miller & click on Evidence to impeach President Trump / Congressional corruption to conceal it. Also go to youtube.com/watch?v=EEoGxp5vv0 or search Jesha Miller & click on President Trump & Congress must face Jesha Miller's checks & balances.
U.S. Comptroller General Dodaro is responsible to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances but refused in writing & on telephone seen on youtube.com/watch?v=lbZ3Trecr0 or search Jesha Miller then click on US Comptroller General Dodaro call 202 731 4819 demand the checks & balances. Eugene Louis Dodaro is head of the Government Accountability Office so there is no integrity, the checks & balances are mandatory by law so there is no options, this is what government must do.
Nancy Pelosi ran the checks & balances in circles & still refused to go public concerning the Judicial Branch abuse of power. See youtube.com/watch?v=n2ynH1srCnA or search Jesha Miller & click on List of indictments include Nancy Pelosi concealing checks & balances.
Checks & Balances - Takes precedence over all matters
The checks & balances takes precedence over all matters being used when an entire Branch of government is corrupt. The magnitude being all Branches are corrupt requires immediate action. The crime under Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy to deny rights & continued oppression must be immediately addressed. First pay the debt of 3.141 billion dollars owed for continued oppression by the Judicial Branch refusing to pay 50 million dollars & is now 3.141 billion dollars. This money is owed by the rule of law due to the Judicial Branch violating the 6th amendment right to a trial by a fair & impartial jury & the 14th amendment violating the right to due process after which my freedom was taken without being duly processed in violation of the 13th amendment. As the President this you must order because the Treasury refused yo pay money owed by the rule of law. [ Violating the rule of law violates human rights. It therefore is discrimination for the President Donald Trump to join in conspiracy continuing oppression, a crime pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241. ] This must be done in 4 days on February 13, 2020. President Trump must order the money paid to Jesha Miller in the amount of 3.141 billion dollars & call a National Press conference informing the public about the checks & balances.
Big bank take little bank, I got more money than you, President Trump so pay up now. White men have never wanted a Black man to have no money & this was the Maryland doctrine of exclusion.
Maryland document of exclusion. The Council for the Maryland Colony edict stated: “Neither the existing black population, their descendents, nor any other blacks shall be permitted to enjoy the fruits of White society.” The doctrine was written to insure that Blacks would remain a “subordinate, non-competitive, non-compensated workforce,” this public edict later became more commonly known as “The Doctrine of Exclusion.” Around the mid-1660’s, various colonies picked up the Maryland Edict or the Doctrine of Exclusion and expanded it into enslavement laws of people of African descent. Once established, the laws became the basis for a national public policy on the exploitation of Blacks that was passed on from generation to generation through social customs and public laws.
The Slave Codes of 1705 required all individuals, churches, businesses, organizations, schools, and all levels of government to teach, justify and enforce the status of Blacks as “a subordinate, excluded, noncompetitive, non-compensated, managed work force for the personal comfort and wealth building of White society.” This public policy remained in effect until the late 1960s.
{ A billionaire is another class, oppression by the Treasury refusing to pay money owed by the rule of law, money owed for imposing slavery, that follows the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep me subordinate, in a working class state when a billionaire doesn't need money, financially secure. Government oppression deprive me of health care, mansions, a 918 Porsche, Bugatti Chiron, Pininfarina Battista, the Olympics, my own company, deprive me of making my family secure & deprive the public of the greatest Christmas ever. Deprive the public of help financially & the next generation opportunities that won't be there otherwise. } Oppression requires immediate restitution which officials violated to render me defenseless to expose government corruption. Order payment in full this February 13, 2020.
Judge David Kiely, the primary culprit, overruled both the Federal & State Constitution's right to a trial by fair & impartial jury A speedy trial in violation of the 6th amendment, 14th amendment, & 13th Amendment where freedom is taken without being duly processed. Data being fact & seen online at apcalledtoeposecorruption.blogspot.com. Appeal was made to the US Supreme Court - Case # 04-7377 whom committed an act against the law imposing slavery. { When a man is brought by HABEAS CORPUS to the U.S. Supreme Court & upon review of it, it appears to the Court that he was against law imprisoned & detained, HE SHALL NEVER BE BY THE ACT OF THE COURT REMANDED TO HIS UNLAWFUL IMPRISONMENT FOR THEN THE COURT SHOULD DO AN ACT OF INJUSTICE IN IMPRISONING HIM, de nova, AGAINST THE LAW.
This is irrefutable evidence that both the Indiana Courts & U.S. Supreme Court refused the demands of the Constitution & its PROHIBITION, & THE 14th AMENDMENT. { Checkmate - game been over, pay 3.141 immediately, call National Press conference to inform the public and face the checks & balances by Jesha Miller. I'm NOW Empowered to hold Congress & the Judicial Branch accountable. Acknowledge me empowered by the checks & balances this February 13, 2020 or face impeachment refusing to honor the checks & balances violating oath of office & obstruction of justice covering for the Judicial Branch. }
whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
Checkmate - game over, I'm empowered by the Constitution checks & balances, the Supreme Law of the land so there are no options, by law I was to be a part of the impeachment process. [ The chicken came before the egg & I petitioned impeachment April 15, 2019. commencetrumpsimpeachment.blogspot.com // Motive for excluding Jesha Miller is I have evidence you, President Trump violated oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances which is a fundamental part of the Constitution. The checks & balances have irrefutable evidence the Judicial Branch imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th Amendments & oppression denying 50 million dollars which is now 3.141 billion dollars owed immediately to stop continued oppression. { Note to President Trump, it is now your duty to Order the Treasury pay Jesha Miller in the full amount of 3.141 billion dollars because the Buck Stops with the President Donald Trump which the Treasury failed to do. Your number one duty is to faithfully see to it that the Federal Laws are carried out under Article II, sec. 3. You want to save yourself then honor this Petition using the checks & balances because Congress & the Judicial Branch are hit, Checkmate. }
The checks & balances stop inequality, & social injustice restoring the rights of "we the people, holds officials accountable & stops police brutality by holding them accountable for the deaths of unarmed Black men & 27 shots fired on unarmed citizens. They're job is not to shoot to kill but bring the citizen to justice for trial. What the US Treasury is doing by using oppression when the money owed Jesha Miller is by the rule of law violates HUMAN RIGHTS. See unitedstatesviolateshumanrights.blogspot.com.
The Judicial Branch violated the 6th amendment right to a trial by a fair & impartial jury. Irrefutable evidence is in the Trial transcripts affirming they imposed an all White jury. This violates Constitutional Law # 250.2(4) - which provides: Every Black Man has a right under the 14th amendment to the Constitution U.S.C.A., that in the selection of jurors to pass on his life, liberty, or property, there shall be no exclusion of his race, and no discrimination against them because of their color. Virginia v. Rives, 100 US 313. This violates the 6th amendment of the Bill of Rights. This violates all three charters of freedom & the officials are criminals under Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy to deny rights & continued oppression.
President Trump ORDER the U.S. Treasury to pay Jesha Miller 3.141 billion dollars for continued oppression, February 14, 2020.
Article 2 - The Executive Branch / Section 3 - he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.
The Petitioner, Jesha Miller called for Steven Mnuchin to pay for the Judicial Branch debt of 145 million dollars seen on blog at thefbiwray.blogspot.com in the same petition calling for Action on the checks & balances. 200 million dollars before the Judges on the same blog, 145 million on youtube at youtu.be/RB5jYnvHLUQ, 350 million dollars owed on youtu.be/BpMOvXW_k1o, 1 billion, 45 million dollars on youtu.be/aYjdn3M7TpM & 3.141 billion owed Jesha Miller / US Treasury set appointment 9-20-2019 on youtu.be/rFwK1SrnfsY. [ The Treasury have no intentions to pay so as President, you must pay this money owed by the rule of law for the Judicial Branch violating the 14th Amendment right to due process & the 13th amendment taking my freedom without being duly processed. It is now your duty President Trump to order the money owed by the rule of law which must be expedient by paying this February 20, 2020. ] As President you must call a press conference informing the public this February 14, 2020 & contact the Pentagon to issue identification & empowerment by the
Constitution's checks & balances.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Annotation 10 - First Amendment
''[The purpose of the speech-press clauses] has evidently been to protect parties in the free publication of matters of public concern, to secure their right to a free discussion of public events and public measures, and to enable every citizen at any time to bring the government and any person in authority to the bar of public opinion by any just criticism upon their conduct in the exercise of the authority which the people have conferred upon them. . . . The evils to be prevented were not the censorship of the press merely, but any action of the government by means of which it might prevent such free and general discussion of public matters as seems absolutely essential to prepare the people for an intelligent exercise of their rights as citizens.'
The first amendment states the EVILS to be prevented was any action by government which might prevent such general discussion of public matters. thefbiwray.blogspot.com proves the Judges violated the right to freedom of the press concealing the checks & balances which has evidence the US Supreme Court imposed slavery, oppression, & prevented the checks & balances that are mandatory by law. The media also refused to expose government oppression playing their part in the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to prevent a showdown between Jesha Miller & government. This prevented Congress from being held accountable, continued oppression, & allowed corruption to flourish. As President Order a press conference this February 20, 2020 because the Judicial Branch committed the EVIL of preventing the checks & balances which would hold officials accountable for the miscarriage of justice imposing slavery & it's due process in violation of the 13th & 14th amendments. The public knew nothing about the checks & balances petitioned by Jesha Miller nor that he is owed 3.141 billion dollars for continued oppression when the Court could have paid when it was 50 million dollars. Again an act using the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep me subordinate, non competitive in the impeachment of President Trump & ignore my Status Quo politically to impeach President Trump & socially with a net worth of 3.141 billion dollars.
Wherefore, as President Donald Trump has a duty under Article II, sec. 3 to faithfully see to it that the Federal Laws are executed which are the Treasury pay Jesha Miller 3.141 Billion dollars this February 20, 2020, owed by the rule of law for the Judicial Branch denying the right to due process in violation of the 14th Amendment & the miscarriage of justice imposing slavery in violation of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. That President Trump ORDER a National Press conference with Jesha MIller in ATTENDANCE TO SPEAK ON THE CONSTITUTION'S CHECKS & BALANCES SUPPORTED BY IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE THE ENTIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH IS CORRUPT. President Trump acknowledge I'm empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances to hold Congress accountable for neglect of the checks & balances which are mandatory by law, which uphold the integrity of the Constitution absolutely necessary due to Judicial & Congressional corruption taking absolute power with total disregard for the Constitution, hence excluding Jesha Miller from the impeachment proceedings & refusing to pay money owed by the rule of law, the Supreme Law of the land.
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Jesha Miller
Date: February 11, 2020
President Trump, you took oath of office to uphold the law, you been called out, trumphonorchecksnbalances4integrity.blogspot.com, no one is above the law, the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt, I’m empowered to uphold the integrity of the constitution, I’m empowered to stop police brutality, empowered by the constitution checks and balances, this upholds the integrity of the constitution, Ain't no evading this, this yo oath of office, we’re setting a business visit to the White House, this the power of the constitution, checks and balances stop police brutality, National protest demands you, as President Trump immediately address the solution to the problem, there no options, this is mandatory by law, checks and balances are an essential part of the constitution to uphold the integrity of the constitution, it’s Showtime. This is required by the constitution, the supreme law of the land.
Empowered by the constitution, JESHA MILLER
DATE : June 2, 2020
( Time sensitive today, June 2,2020 rush to Trump. ) Send courier to give Black card today, to stop any further oppression upon me empowered to hold Congress accountable for neglecting to pay the 3.141 billion dollars owed for imposing slavery, prohibited by the 13th amendment . Slavery is a world crime.
Empowered by the constitution, JESHA MILLER.
Date: June 2, 2020

I'm empowered using the checks & balances which requires the
Judicial Branch be checked which President Trump refused to do violating oath of office & obstruction of justice as well as continued oppression which escalated
to 3.141 billion dollars. [ The intended process was for one Branch to check the other Branch but with all three in cahoots to take absolute power no one checked anybody
therefore having no one to answer to. This is where the citizen is empowered to hold Congress accountable but being in power they evaded the checks & balances violating
the code of ethics. This ain't a perfect world so when the Politicians are corrupt the
citizen is empowered to hold them accountable. This is a government of the people, by the people, & for the people so don't think the Framers of the Constitution doesn't empower the people to uphold their own Constitution. This is why the Judges denied freedom of the press to conceal it from the unknowing public. ]

The motive for corruption by the U.S. Supreme
Court was to deny Jesha Miller 50 million dollars
which is now 3.141 billion dollars. This is a debt owed
for denying the right to due process & taking my freedom
violating the 13th & 14th Amendment.
Checkmate - Game over
This affirms there are no Blacks & Judge David Kiely willfully imposes an all White
Jury. Violation of rights under color of law.
Jurors excluded on account of race. Violates the 14 th Amendment &
Constitutional Law # 250.2 (4) which provides: Every Black Man has a right
under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution U.S.C.A., that in the selection of
jurors to pass on his life. liberty, or property, there shall (meaning must) be no
exclusion of his race & no discrimination against them because of their color.
Virginia v. Rives 100 U.S. 313
Judge David Kiely fails to perform his constitutional duty- recognized by sec. 4 of
the Civil Rights Act of March 1, 1875.. Not to pursue a conduct in the administration of their
office which would operate to discriminate in the selection of jurors on racial grounds.
Federal Crime pursuant to Title 18 sec. 243.
Jury. Violation of rights under color of law.
Jurors excluded on account of race. Violates the 14 th Amendment &
Constitutional Law # 250.2 (4) which provides: Every Black Man has a right
under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution U.S.C.A., that in the selection of
jurors to pass on his life. liberty, or property, there shall (meaning must) be no
exclusion of his race & no discrimination against them because of their color.
Virginia v. Rives 100 U.S. 313
Judge David Kiely fails to perform his constitutional duty- recognized by sec. 4 of
the Civil Rights Act of March 1, 1875.. Not to pursue a conduct in the administration of their
office which would operate to discriminate in the selection of jurors on racial grounds.
Federal Crime pursuant to Title 18 sec. 243.
Judge David Kiely overruled both the State & Federal Constitutions right to trial
by a fair & impartial jury as well as the 14th amendment right to due process.
[ Pay the 3.141 billion in full, these are corrupt officials violating Title 18 sec. 243
which is the exclusion of jurors on account of race. This imposes slavery a prohibition
in violation of the 13th Amendment. ] Title 18 sec. 242 - denying rights under color of law.
This confirms the ACT against the law by the U.S. Supreme Court. This justifies my
first amendment right to freedom of the press to inform the AMERICAN PUBLIC
AS STIPULATED IN CASE NO. 04-7377. { treasuryowesjeshamiller50mill.blogspot.com }
When a man is brought by HABEAS CORPUS to the U.S. Supreme Court & upon review
of it, it appears to the Court that he was against law imprisoned & detained, HE SHALL NEVER
Also see: evidencesupremecourtcorrupt.blogspot.com
President Trump I Jesha Miller am empowered by the constitution checks and balances, my status quo socially is a net worth of 3.141 billion dollars, immediately order Treasury to pay owed by the rule of law, there has to be an even playing field, media ain’t gonna air this for free, I’m financially secure so order Treasury to pay for default and miscarriage of justice imposing slavery. see congressconceilingindictment.blogspot.com Your number one duty so no options. 3-19-2020. No WPT white people time, oppression of a people requires immediate restitution, this is done by the rule of law, right dam now, yesterday was too late.
![]() |
March 11, 2020 |
Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates your taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence
Call a National press conference to inform the public I’m empowered by the constitution to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the constitution checks and balances. Also order Treasury to immediately pay Mr. Jesha Miller 3.141 billion dollars for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13 th amendment. Do this today March 11, 2020. I have evidence the entire judicial branch is corrupt, when the Supreme Court is corrupt the entire appellate court system is corrupt, call me at 8124704220 for the press conference. Jesha Miller 3-11-2020 Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Dr.
Evansville IN. 47713
812 802 8969
Attention: Todd Young & all Congress both Senate & House
Call a National press conference to prompt President Trump to address the checks & balances petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller whom is empowered by the Constitution to hold Congress accountable for the checks & balances neglected. This is major, the petition is supported by irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt having reverted back to denying blacks the guaranteed rights to freedom, justice, equality, & the pursuit of happiness by refusing to pay for a miscarriage of justice imposing slavery, Continued oppression rose from 50 million to a debt of 3.141 billion dollars because government had no intentions to pay or be held accountable which is why President Trump & Congress refused to honor the checks & balances which is mandatory by law, which is a fundamental part of the Constitution holding each branch accountable to prevent corruption & abuse of power. What once was white supremacy are now criminal acts under Title 18.
Todd Young is ordered by Petitioner of the checks & balances, Jesha Miller to call a National Press conference April 1, 2020, seven days from now announcing President is petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller using the Constitutions checks & balances & is empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution by checking that Branch & the Judicial Branch for abuse of power, corruption, & continued oppression as well as organized crime by the Prosecutors covering for the Judges.
All Senators & Congressmen a part of the Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion in defiance of the Constitution will be removed from office because both President Trump & Congress are obligated to the Constitution's checks & balances both morally & mandatory by law, there are no options & all who evade the checks & balances in any manner will be charged under Title 18 sec. 241 which is conspiracy to deny rights & continued oppression as well as Title 18 sec. 1001 - Concealing the Fact the checks & balances have been petitioned because the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. See : congressconceilingindictment.blogspot.com.
Being empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances to hold Congress accountable for evading the checks & balances which President Trump has again been petitioned must give the checks & balances precedence over all matters, along side the coronavirus, because this magnitude is that the entire Judicial Branch of government is corrupt whereas officials have taken absolute power with all disregard for the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land. Jesha Miller is empowered by the Constitution & need no officials affirm such because crooked officials will refuse. Senators & Congressmen & women who refuse to acknowledge the checks & balances by Veteran Jesha Miller will be indicted under Title 18 sec. 241 & treason intending to take absolute power in defiance of the Constitution.[ Phone conference April 1, 2020 to affirm the checks & balances will be taken to the floor of the Senate for President Trump to immediately address as well as acknowledge Jesha Miller empowered before the nation.You have until March 30, 2020 to honor the checks & balances petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller, a Black Man. Schedule phone conference April 1, 2020 at 10:00 am to affirm taking the checks & balances to the floor of the Senate requiring President Trump to immediately address.
Empowered by the Constitution, Bill of Rights, & the Creator - Jesha Miller
Date: March 25, 2020
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Dr.
Evansville IN. 47713
812 802 8969
Billy Bolin - Evansville Police Chief
At this moment I'm empowered by the Constitutions checks & balances to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the Petitioned checks & balances by Veteran Jesha Miller which has irrefutable evidence impossible to deny or disprove the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt & must immediately be held accountable for denying the guaranteed rights, oppression, & imposing slavery. This is by the Constitution, the supreme law of the land, I am in power to command & order government as I empowered them due to corrupt officials.
You cannot break the law & then enforce the law, I'm whom you must face to be proven before a candid world. I previously informed Police Chief Billy Bolin to inform his officers to have no contact with me as I refuse to be harassed by the police & honor my power to Order you instructions. I have a speeding ticket you must throw away because you were ordered no contact with me, Jesha Miller. You will throw away the ticket because you cannot break the law & enforce the law & have concealed the checks & balances rather than the Judicial Branch be checked to further refuse to be held accountable for the crimes committed under Title 18 which are all federal crimes. All officials must concede to the demands of the Constitution which gives me this over them which is the Supreme Law of the land, there are no options, I'm in power to hold the Judicial Branch accountable for imposing slavery.
All other Enforcement Officers are also under my power, the State Police, the Sheriffs, & all Chiefs, I, Jesha Miller am empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances to hold Government accountable for corruption, abuse of power imposing slavery. Congress has concealed this from the public so as not to be held accountable for criminal acts. See Congressional Corruption / excluding Veteran Jesha Miller, the original Petitioner to impeach President Trump.
youtu.be/Ardf9wLbhF4 online this is what Congress is concealing from the public that I'm empowered so they've hidden this, violating oath of office so they don't go to jail. I'm upholding the integrity of the Constitution requiring they be checked, otherwise there's no integrity, that's why this bis mandatory by law. See congressconcealingindictment.blogspot.com and the checks & balances are at this moment before President Trump because there are no options, this upholds the integrity, I'm empowered by the Supreme Law of the land & all in defiance is Treason because you must uphold the Constitution of the United States.
Empowered by the Constitution, Bill of Rights, & checks & balances - Jesha Miller
Date: March 26, 2020
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Dr.
Evansville IN. 47713
812 802 8969
Attention: Todd Young & all Congress both Senate & House
Call a National press conference to prompt President Trump to address the checks & balances petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller whom is empowered by the Constitution to hold Congress accountable for the checks & balances neglected. This is major, the petition is supported by irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt having reverted back to denying blacks the guaranteed rights to freedom, justice, equality, & the pursuit of happiness by refusing to pay for a miscarriage of justice imposing slavery, Continued oppression rose from 50 million to a debt of 3.141 billion dollars because government had no intentions to pay or be held accountable which is why President Trump & Congress refused to honor the checks & balances which is mandatory by law, which is a fundamental part of the Constitution holding each branch accountable to prevent corruption & abuse of power. What once was white supremacy are now criminal acts under Title 18.
Todd Young is ordered by Petitioner of the checks & balances, Jesha Miller to call a National Press conference April 1, 2020, seven days from now announcing President is petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller using the Constitutions checks & balances & is empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution by checking that Branch & the Judicial Branch for abuse of power, corruption, & continued oppression as well as organized crime by the Prosecutors covering for the Judges.
All Senators & Congressmen a part of the Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion in defiance of the Constitution will be removed from office because both President Trump & Congress are obligated to the Constitution's checks & balances both morally & mandatory by law, there are no options & all who evade the checks & balances in any manner will be charged under Title 18 sec. 241 which is conspiracy to deny rights & continued oppression as well as Title 18 sec. 1001 - Concealing the Fact the checks & balances have been petitioned because the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. See : congressconceilingindictment.blogspot.com.
Being empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances to hold Congress accountable for evading the checks & balances which President Trump has again been petitioned must give the checks & balances precedence over all matters, along side the coronavirus, because this magnitude is that the entire Judicial Branch of government is corrupt whereas officials have taken absolute power with all disregard for the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land. Jesha Miller is empowered by the Constitution & need no officials affirm such because crooked officials will refuse. Senators & Congressmen & women who refuse to acknowledge the checks & balances by Veteran Jesha Miller will be indicted under Title 18 sec. 241 & treason intending to take absolute power in defiance of the Constitution.[ Phone conference April 1, 2020 to affirm the checks & balances will be taken to the floor of the Senate for President Trump to immediately address as well as acknowledge Jesha Miller empowered before the nation.You have until March 30, 2020 to honor the checks & balances petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller, a Black Man. Schedule phone conference April 1, 2020 at 10:00 am to affirm taking the checks & balances to the floor of the Senate requiring President Trump to immediately address.
Empowered by the Constitution, Bill of Rights, & the Creator - Jesha Miller
Date: March 25, 2020
Scheduling Request
Thank You
Your scheduling request has been submitted successfully. A member of my staff will contact you soon.
Senator Todd Young
As President Mr. Trump you must immediately address the checks & balances petitioned when an entire Branch is corrupt. Immediately pay the debt owed Jesha Miller of 3.141 billion dollars for imposing slavery. The checks & balances takes precedence over all matters, urgency as important as the coronavirus, Judicial Branch officials are criminals & must be removed from office. [ Click on youtu.be/Ardf9wLbhF4 the Constitution empowers Jesha Miller to hold Congress accountable for covering up Judicial Branch abuse of power & criminal acts going beyond the limits set for government, Prohibitions under Title 18 sec. 241, 242, 243, 1001, & treason. Arrived certified mail # 7019 1640 0000 3166 8466 on 2-24-2020 at 3:52 am. [ Take action this March 27, 2020, Pay today. ]
Mitch McConnell, Call a National press conference to prompt President Trump to address the checks & balances petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller whom is empowered by the Constitution to hold Congress accountable for the checks & balances neglected. This is major, the petition is supported by irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt having reverted back to denying blacks the guaranteed rights to freedom, justice, equality, & the pursuit of happiness by refusing to pay for a miscarriage of justice imposing slavery, Continued oppression rose from 50 million to a debt of 3.141 billion dollars because government had no intentions to pay or be held accountable which is why President Trump & Congress refused to honor the checks & balances which is mandatory by law, which is a fundamental part of the Constitution holding each branch accountable to prevent corruption & abuse of power. What once was white supremacy are now criminal acts under Title 18. [ click on congressconceilingindictment.blogspot.com or youtu.be/Ardf9wLbhF4 Congressional Corruption
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President Trump, by the rule of law I'm owed for 3.141 billion dollars to maintain my status quo which you have evaded. trumphonorchecksnbalances4integrity.blogspot.com. I'm empowered to hold Congress accountable & you must pay immediately. I've not been paid stimulus, unemployment, or anything when I'm a billionaire. If you refuse to pay this April 27, 2020 then pay the full amount of 4.625 billion dollars instead of the 3.141 billion dollar, no excuses, this is the rule of law.
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Open UI 04/17/2021 $0.00 $7,774.00 $299.00 $7,774.00
This is your number one duty & the checks & balances require the Judicial Branch be checked by me, Jesha Miller empowered by the constitution, supreme law of the land. You cannot refuse to honor the checks & balances violating oath of office & obstruction of justice. Checks & balances require entire Judicial be checked because petition has irrefutable evidence US Supreme Court imposed slavery & continued oppression. Click on thefbiwray.blogspot.com. April 27, 2020
Call a national press conference tomorrow April 28, 2020 to inform the public Jesha Miller is empowered to hold Congress & the Judicial Branch accountable for concealing government corruption by evading the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the constitution by checking that branch for abuse of power.
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April 27, 2020 |
For the most up-to-date information about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, its common symptoms, and measures you can take to prevent its spread, please visit www.coronavirus.gov . To learn more about how you can help those affected by the coronavirus, including information regarding the need for medical supplies or equipment, please visit www.fema.gov/coronavirus/how-to-help . If you or your business have been impacted financially by COVID-19 , please click here to learn more about resources available to you. You can also visit the Small Business Administration’s website to find information regarding relief programs for those affected by this pandemic. President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved, and he appreciates your taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence
Claim Status Program BYE Paid to Date MBA WBA RBA
Open UI 04/17/2021 $0.00 $7,774.00 $299.00 $7,774.00
Thank you for your submission!
Jesha Miller
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Dr.
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Adam Silver - NBA Commissioner
Reference to : NBA provide National Platform for Jesha Miller whom is empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which will stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality. You have a commitment to stop inequality & police brutality. Schedule a phone conference May 14, 2020 at 10:00 am with me to arrange National press conference informing the public.
I'm Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances petitioned when the entire Branch of government is corrupt. President Trump is Petitioned to honor the checks & balances which he has refused to do. [ Fact seen online at trumphonorchecksnbalances4integrity.blogspot.com ] NBA & NFL have had protest due to police brutality and now the solution is at hand being the checks & balances. You said you looking to stop inequality, well be a man of your word. This is a government cover up to conceal corrupt officials so as not to be held accountable. [ Fact seen online at congressconcealingindictment.blogspot.com ]
Reasons to provide a National Platform.
1. First you gave your word before all NBA fans. Man must back up his word.
2. Next, this is history, this stops inequality, social injustice, & police brutality. The step towards humanity.
3. Third, The checks & balances are mandatory by law. This is a government cover up not to held accountable & continue oppression, inhumanity, & slavery. Slavery been abolished so that they don't want known.
4. Both President Trump & Congress are obligatory both morally & by law. Both have evaded the checks & balances supported by irrefutable evidence impossible to deny or disprove. They caught so it's because they are in power government officials they have concealed their own abuse of power. Judicial Branch violate the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights 6th, 13th, & 14th Amendment are violated. The Bill of Rights which no just government on earth can refuse or rest on inference. [ Fact online at thefbiwray.blogspot.com is irrefutable evidence President Trump refused to honor the checks & balances, FBI Director Christopher Wray concealed it violating his duty to the Constitution, the Judges denied the guaranteed right to freedom of the press to inform the public which concealed this from the public.
5. Patriotism, commitment to freedom. The checks & balances uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Absolutely necessary to secure the rights of the Constitution by holding officials accountable. The checks & balances restores the rights of the people to stop inequality, they hold officials accountable to stop police brutality. You saw the protest because police are killing citizens without being held accountable. The checks & balances stop social injustice by balancing the scales of justice which has never been done in America.
6. Unprecedented, Veteran Jesha Miller petitioned the checks & balances requiring a show down, the Judicial Branch must be checked before a candid world. Without being checked there is no integrity, they must be checked. I have status quo meaning the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. In this case both apply. You see I'm the petitioner of the checks & balances [ Fact at trumphonorchecksnbalances4integrity.blogspot.com with a social net worth of 3.141 billion dollars. ] All unprecedented, This is history. The checks & balances is what Watergate was. This is as big as it gets & government is concealing the fact this event stops inequality, social injustice, & police brutality. This is the hand of the Creator at work.This calls for National coverage so you can't sit idle & not stand for humanity. Facts don't change because they're ignored. I'm empowered by the Constitution to hold Congress accountable & check the Judicial Branch for corruption, imposing slavery, organized crime online at warningto.blogspot.com Set May 14, 2020 at 10: am for a phone conference. Contact me 812 470 4220 in three days to affirm or set a date within a week. Of this magnitude to change the American culture of America, to uphold the integrity of the Constitution, for humanity sake stopping inequality, social injustice, & police brutality.
Empowered by the Constitution checks & balances, the Bill of Rights, & Laws of the US. - Jesha Miller
Date: May 7, 2020
I, Jesha Miller am empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances having evidence the entire Judicial Branch is, corrupt, abuse of power imposing slavery, & continued oppression owing me 3.141 billion dollars. Government power is limited, Judicial Branch violated Title 18 sec. which is the exclusion of jurors on account of race, a Statutory prohibition, to conceal imposed slavery, & continued oppression starting at 50 million to escalate to 3.141 billion because officials had no intentions to pay reverting back to the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep Blacks subordinate, non-competitive, non- compensated workforce.
Your reply said to get involved of which I'm empowered by the checks & balances being the Petitioner to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances. As President, You, Donald Trump are Ordered to inform the public this April 8, 2020 & order the Treasury to pay 3.141 billion dollars owed for imposing slavery.
For Humanity sake the checks & balances stop inequality, stops social injustice, & stops police brutality. I've changed the game by a citizen being empowered to hold government accountable & money to the highest level of being a billionaire which you must order the Treasury to pay this April 8, 2020 to stop continued oppression.
This is history, which you cannot prevent the checks & balances mandatory by law. You received the petition certified mail # 7019 1640 0000 3166 8466 February 24, 2020. Same as the coronavirus the checks & balances are your number one duty under Article II, sec. 3, to faithfully see to it that the Federal Laws are executed. You President Trump have concealed this since February 24, 2020 allowing continued oppression when I'm a billionaire by the rule of law which the Judicial Branch refused to pay 3.141 billion dollars. Me and my family suffer through this pandemic by the continued oppression, immediately order Treasury to pay money owed by the rule of law, this is by the rule of law.
Reply by President Trump received the email.
Thank you for your submission!
I, Jesha Miller am empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances having evidence the entire Judicial Branch is, corrupt, abuse of power imposing slavery, & continued oppression owing me 3.141 billion dollars. Government power is limited, Judicial Branch violated Title 18 sec. which is the exclusion of jurors on account of race, a Statutory prohibition, to conceal imposed slavery, & continued oppression starting at 50 million to escalate to 3.141 billion because officials had no intentions to pay reverting back to the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep Blacks subordinate, non-competitive, non- compensated workforce.
Your reply said to get involved of which I'm empowered by the checks & balances being the Petitioner to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances. As President, You, Donald Trump are Ordered to inform the public this April 8, 2020 & order the Treasury to pay 3.141 billion dollars owed for imposing slavery.
For Humanity sake the checks & balances stop inequality, stops social injustice, & stops police brutality. I've changed the game by a citizen being empowered to hold government accountable & money to the highest level of being a billionaire which you must order the Treasury to pay this April 8, 2020 to stop continued oppression.
This is history, which you cannot prevent the checks & balances mandatory by law. You received the petition certified mail # 7019 1640 0000 3166 8466 February 24, 2020. Same as the coronavirus the checks & balances are your number one duty under Article II, sec. 3, to faithfully see to it that the Federal Laws are executed. You President Trump have concealed this since February 24, 2020 allowing continued oppression when I'm a billionaire by the rule of law which the Judicial Branch refused to pay 3.141 billion dollars. Me and my family suffer through this pandemic by the continued oppression, immediately order Treasury to pay money owed by the rule of law, this is by the rule of law.
Reply by President Trump received the email.
Thank you for your submission!
Call this number immediately 812 470 4220 April 13,2020
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Dr.
Evansville IN. 47713
President Trump
The checks and balances are mandatory by law, I’m empowered to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks and balances, I changed the game, Before the 13th amendment, blacks rights were violated without officials being held accountable, to this day this is how police kill unarmed citizens & not be held accountable, police brutality keeps control by fear of the citizens life. The checks and balances are absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity of the constitution, there are no options, this is the law of the land. This changes the game. This is crucial, this magnifies a citizen is empowered to hold Congress accountable and the Judicial Branch must be checked for abuse of power, this is history, to be proven before a candid world, media cannot conceal irrefutable evidence the US Supreme Court imposed slavery, the magnitude is with the US Supreme Court corrupt the entire judicial branch is corrupt, this the Courts concealed from the public by denying the constitution right to freedom of the press, 1st amendment states those are acts of evil, the magnitude is freedom of the press is a safeguard to Democracy and the constitution, I’m the pioneer to stopping inequality, social injustice, and police brutality which is what Congress does not want to happen and in doing so violate they’re oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the constitution. I have a status quo socially with a net worth of 3.141 billion dollars, that’s unprecedented, I’m a billionaire by the rule of law which the government refuses to pay, a criminal act violating Title 18 sec 241 - conspiracy to deny rights and continued oppression, so much so 3.141 billion dollars makes me one of 15 black billionaire Americans, oppression of a people requires immediate restitution so the Treasury is guilty of continued oppression. This control is from the Maryland doctrine of exclusion. 4/13/2020
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Contact the White House
Thank you for your submission!
Attention Congress: U.S. Supreme Court corrupt, imposing slavery, continued oppression owing Jesha Miller 3.141 billion dollars, organized crime by Prosecutors cover for Judges denying freedom of the press to conceal Judicial Branch abuse of power, click on youtu.be/Ardf9wLbhF4 , President Trump called out to honor the checks & balances petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller empowered by the Constitution to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances to conceal officials so they are not held accountable, these are criminal acts. Click on congressconcealingindictment.blogspot.com
This tweet went to every Senator except a few who were emailed.
Senator Ed Markey secretary Samantha disrespected by Status quo politically to hold Congress accountable for the checks & balances hanging up on me before I could tell her to have Senator Markey to call a press conference. This action is part of the Maryland doctrine of exclusion. 202 224 2742 [ 4-13-2020 ]
Senator Ed Markey secretary Samantha disrespected by Status quo politically to hold Congress accountable for the checks & balances hanging up on me before I could tell her to have Senator Markey to call a press conference. This action is part of the Maryland doctrine of exclusion. 202 224 2742 [ 4-13-2020 ]
The US Supreme Court imposed slavery, prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendment. Judges denied the guaranteed right to freedom of the press to conceal the miscarriage of justice imposing slavery. [ Government cover up, see evidence online at thefbiwray.blogspot.com ]
Continued oppression which started at 50 million dollars & due to continued oppression is now 3.141 billion dollars, evidence the Judicial Branch & Treasury had no intentions to pay reverting back to denying blacks the guaranteed rights of the Constitution which acts are now criminal acts under Title 18. This takes precedence over all matters by the magnitude that the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt when the US Supreme Court is corrupt because it's an appellate Court System.
The US Supreme Court denies the Habeas Corpus which is a power denied government to secure the right to freedom when a citizen is held in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the U.S.
[ The gravity of this is the Constitution would not of been ratified without the Habeas Corpus because as citizens we have to secure our right to Freedom. // This is history, This is mandatory by law. ]
Contact the White House
No unemployment // No Stimulus // Pay the 3.141 Billion owed immediately //
Contact the White House
Empowered by the Constitution checks & balances - Jesha Miller
Date: May 27, 2020